Wednesday, 17 September 2008

A New Purpose in Life

If you see four little plates on the White Elephant stall
and you know that they have been languishing
at the back of somebody's cupboard, unloved,

you should murmur to them as follows:

(even if the weird old guy dressed as a scout
with immaculate scarf and woggle is watching you)

"Come home with me and I will make a fuss of you
and you shall have a new purpose in life.

You shall be the Creme Caramel plates."


blackbird said...

At my house they would have candles sitting on them.

Anonymous said...


Nice rescue :)

dottycookie said...

I am so impressed that you have the perfect plates to fit your creme caramel. Heck, I'm imnpressed you even have creme caramel - they have to make do with Birds custard here 9 times out of 10. (I suppose I could caramelise that - do you think they'd notice?)

walter and me said...

I LOVE creme caramel! And they fit perfectly on those if they were bought for that very purpose!

dragonfly said...

I love creme caramel too! The plates are perfect.

Mary said...

What a wonderful rescue.

I think they might end up languishing in my house too though - I would not have bought them with such a lovely purpose in mind!

Anonymous said...

I love china plates! They look even better with sweets on top!

Ali said...

Perfect fit! But their prettiness would be lost on my boys, who stir their creme caramel into a sludgy mess which they then call baked beans. Ironic, given that neither of them would eat a baked bean if their life depended on it.

Why am I telling you all this??

Anonymous said...

"Come home with me and I will make a fuss of you
and you shall have a new purpose in life.

You shall be the Creme Caramel plates.

And then, we shall invite Eurolush to come over and eat from you."

Gina said...

How wonderful to find perfect creme caramel plates. And such beautiful ones too!

Lynn said...

I love, love, LOVE those plates! Far more charming than anything I spotted at the local antiques mall here yesterday (heavy sigh). But what's really causing me pain is not being able to see a photo of the elderly scout. Can you go back and snap surreptitiously??

Attic24 said...

LOL at your perfect-for-the-purpose plates, what a great fit. Glad they are finding some Love and Appreciation chez Magpie (or should that be chez Limejuice?)
kisses for you :o)

Ginnie said...

What a creative mind you have, MrsM, to imagine how perfectly they would work for flan. (And I had to look up "woggle.")

trash said...

Mr Woggle Wearer was probably just jealous that
a) someone was speaking so sweetly to the plates and not him (lose the woggle matey, it may help) and
b) there were creme caramels in your imminent future